Show All: This option controls whether the display includes All Submitted Proposals or only successfully Awarded Proposals
Submitted Proposals - proposals submitted within the selected data range (determined by the MyFunding submission date, and excluding withdrawn proposals) and associated values
Awarded Proposals - awards records created within the data range (determined by the MyFunding award creation date and do not include awards with the status of completed or withdrawn) and associated values
Submitted: Select the date range for proposals (for awards is the award creation date range)
Update the selected PI by clicking on the
icon next to the name of the researcher of interest . in the table
Use the Search for a Specific Researcher by Name box or the Or by Dept box to look for narrow the list in the table to a specific person or people researchers within a specific Department.
Click on the 'X' in the upper right corner to close the window
Show All: This option controls whether the display includes All Submitted Proposals or only successfully Awarded Proposals
Submitted Proposals - proposals submitted within the selected data range (determined by the MyFunding submission date, and excluding withdrawn proposals) and associated values
Awarded Proposals - awards records created within the data range (determined by the MyFunding award creation date and do not include awards with the status of completed or withdrawn) and associated values
Submitted: Select the date range for proposals (for awards is the award creation date range)
Update To update the selected PIcollaborator by clicking on the
icon next to the name of the researcher of interest in the main table on this tab.
Use the Search for a Specific Researcher by Name box or the Or by Dept box to look for to narrow the list in the table to a specific person or people researchers within a specific Department.
Click on the 'X' in the upper right corner to close the window