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The Active Student Dashboard provides a summary of current “active students” (students are de-activated after 3 terms of inactivity), and may not necessarily be currently enrolled. Active Student data has no history; it’s the current data about active students.The dashboard has active students summary data, such as student contact and demographic info, student academic info, last enrolled summary info and performance indicators, advisors, enrollment status in current and two next terms (indicators only), milestones, transferred credits, appointment info, etc. . Use this dashboard to view a breakdown of students by program or degree, generate contact lists, or identify students with outstanding service indicators. |
Users may use this dashboard as a template to build or customize their own versions of the dashboards for their needs.
The dashboard does not have enrollment details,
historical enrollment data, or class enrollment data.
Basic Usage
Active Schedule Basic dashboard has three separate dashboards/tabs
Key Business Questions
As mentioned, this dashboard can be used to answer a number of questions, such as:
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Jump to note about students with multiple academic programs (double, triple -degree, University Honors College students, etc.). |
Navigating the Dashboard
The Active Student Dashboard has three separate tabs which can be accessed from the top of the view:
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Active Student with Advisor
This dashboard provides a list of active students with academic and enrollment information, advisors, and performance indicators, admit and expected graduation terms. There . Drop-down filters along the top row filter across all charts or tables on this tab. Clicking on one or more bar(s) in the bar charts will also filter the page to include only the selected bar(s). Filter settings can be saved using a custom view.
In the top right part of the dashboard (just below the filters), the “Number of Students” display counts each student exactly once. However, in the tables and charts, there may be more than one record per student, as some students are enrolled in multiple programs/plans.
Sample questions answered by this dashboard:
I need a list of students in our program(s)/plan(s)/subplan(s), and be able to see their performance indicators
For outreach, I need a list of students who are not enrolled
I need a list of students assigned to a specific advisor
What is the advisor load in my school?
How many students are enrolled in a Plan of interest?
How many students pursuing a specific degree, say BS in Nursing?
Analysis of a program/plan enrollment including gender, ethnicity, and citizenship
Users can limit the data by using the drop-down filters: campus, program, advisor, etc., or by clicking on a blue bar in a visualization.
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The list below shows fields visible in the table at the bottom of the dashboard. The Tableau Data Source offers many additional fields. Users can utilize Tableau’s Web Edit feature to customize the table and add new fields for their own purpose(s). Because you are exposing new columns, and not applying filters, this cannot be done using the custom view functionality described above.
On the “Students per Program/Plan” and “Advisor Load” visualizations can expand to show summaries by , the Academic Program heading can be expanded additional detail at the Academic Plan and Academic Subplan, in addition to Academic Program. To do that, you’ll need click on a “+” sign which appears when you point your cursor over Academic Program words. In a similar manner, click on a “-” sign to remove Academic Plan/Academic Subplan from the visualization:
Subplan levels. Click on the ➕ sign that appears when hover over the Academic Program heading. Click on the ➖ sign “Academic Program” to collapse headings. Expanding these views may result in students being counted in multiple plans, such that the sum of individual bars will likely exceed the actual number of students within a given program.
We strongly recommend applying at least one of the filters to optimize performance. You can reset the filters by clicking on a Revert button :
The “Number of Students” display counts each student only once, even though you’ll see some students having multiple lines in the data table, as a student may be active in different Programs/Plans.(shown left).
Active Student Mailing List
This dashboard provides a list of active students, with their contact information , (including address data, ) and gender, ethnicity and first generation description. It will list each student , for users who have that access (for information about access, see the section on data access). This table lists each student exactly once, even if a student is enrolled in multiple programs/plans. It can be used for mailing purposes, contact lists, or for getting a list of students for different parametersother lists of individual students.
Service Indicators
This dashboard shows students with service indicators. The dashboard is defaulted to By default, the dashboard selects Service Indicators that programmatically block enrollment . You can change the values in (per the Registrar’s Office). Use the drop-down Service Indicator filter to select a different set of service indicators, per your needs.
Sample questions answered by this dashboard:
I need a list of students with service indicators on, who are not able to enroll because of them
I need a list of students in my Program(s) who are on an Academic Hold
The “Number of Students” display counts each student only once, even though you’ll see some students having multiple lines in the data table, as a student may have multiple active Service Indicators (like seen in the screenshot above)group of Service Indicators, and save your customized view, if you want to save your filtered values.
On this table, students will appear multiple times if they have more than one active academic program/plans, or more than one service indicator(s) applied in one or more terms. A student with three active plans and two active service indicators, each applied for the upcoming summer and fall terms will have 12 rows of data in the table (3 plans * 2 service indicators * 2 terms = 12).
Students with Multiple Academic Programs
It is important to note a wrinkle in the data due to the tie between the restricted performance data to the student’s primary academic program.
The data source captures active student data for each of their active academic programs (Schools). “Active” status does not include applicants in the admission pipeline and students who are discontinued or completed.
However, the restricted data in the tables are specific to the student’s primary academic program. In instances where students are active in multiple academic programs, you will experience some filtering and data limitations with respect to your students who are currently active under a different primary academic program.
If you begin your review of the dashboard with the “Academic Program” filtered to a single program, the results will include all active students, but cumulative unit and GPA data will show as ‘null.’
Meanwhile, if you do not filter on the “Academic Program” you will be able to see all active programs for every student but the restricted data will only show in the primary academic program row.
Beyond the missing cumulative units and GPA data, you’ll see conflicting Term GPA information in the image above (3.600 compared to 3.550). This conflict appears because the “Last Term GPA” pulls from the last term the academic program was active; the last time it was the primary academic program.
It is important to remember that the structure of the data source will result in different data representations. Always look to the data source catalog and dashboard documentation like this to determine the scope of the dashboard and the nuances of the data source.
What is the source of this information?
Active Student Basic Dashboard is using the Tableau Active Student data sourceThe primary source of these data is the PeopleSoft Student system. This data source is a close replica of an existing Cognos “St Active Student Query” package and is built from the student data mart (UD_DATA). Student data mart, in turn, pulls data from PeopleSoft and is a day behind: the data available today in data mart and Active Student data source is is copied, transformed, and loaded into the data warehouse nightly, and subsequently loaded onto the Tableau Server as the Active Student Tableau Data Source. Data available today reflects yesterday’s PeopleSoft data. New data entered in PeopleSoft today will be in student mart and Active Student data source and dashboard tomorrow.
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For Cognos Users: this data source is a close replica of the existing Cognos “St Active Student Query” package and is built from the student data mart (UD_DATA). |
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Anyone with access to Student Mart (ST) will have access to the Active Student Basic Dashboard. Users will only see their RC, unless otherwise approved on their Federated Authorization form. To request access to the Student Mart, please fill out Student Mart Federated Authorization form.
Special permission is required to see restricted fields: performance indicators, student demographics, student identifiers. To request access to the restricted fields, make sure you check the box for restricted data access and select what restricted data is needed:
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Latest Releases
September 19, 2023
Added a new field to the Active Student data source, expected graduation month. To use this field in a dashboard, please use the Web Edit.
Added hyperlinks for Federated Authorization community and dashboard documentation.
Reordered Admit Term drop-down filter from most recent term to oldest.
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