Student Data Expansion Meeting Agenda

Student Data Expansion Meeting Agenda

Missed the session? Watch the video using the link below. Note: You will need to have access to the student mart data to watch the video due to the live dashboards being shown - GMT20241210-175931_Recording_2560x1380.mp4


Agenda, 12/10/24

  1. Introduction

    1. Student Data access expansion

      1. How to request access to student data:

    2. Analytics modernization

  2. Brandi’s Student Data Tableau tutorials

    1. Saved views functionality. https://pittit-analytics.atlassian.net/wiki/x/TAA4Hw

    2. Email Subscriptions for saved views. https://pittit-analytics.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYBLHw

    3. How to download CSV vs. Excel files.

  3. Brandi walks through Class Enrollment and Grades dashboard

  4. Nalyn Unveils our new Admissions dashboards and data sources

  5. Q&A time

  6. Other recommended resources from your friendly data analytics team:

    1. Tableau Quick Start & FAQ

    2. Compare the Dashboards and Data Sources

    3. Sign-up to be part of our email list for future training sessions

    4. Book an appointment w/Analytics Doctor

    5. Join our Microsoft Team: Analytics and Data at Pitt

    6. Need an enhancement? Send your request here



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