Sponsored Projects Effort Snap Shot
The purpose of this dashboard is to provide a snapshot of employee effort on pending proposals and active sponsored projects. Data from the PERIS™ MyFunding and PRISM SPAR applications is extracted nightly into the data warehouse. As a result, the dashboard utilizes data from the warehouse to reflect activity as of the previous day. This snapshot view is designed to inform users about the current state of the data in the noted source systems.
Snapshot of Effort on Submitted Proposals
This section reflects the proposed effort entered in the Personnel Costs section of the Project Budget within MyFunding proposal record. It displays proposals that have been submitted to the sponsor, excluding those with a status of Withdrawn or Not Funded. By default, only project budgets marked as “In Financials” are displayed. There is a filter option to show all project budgets with personnel costs for the selected proposal.
NOTE: Review carefully. If a proposal was not funded but not updated in MyFunding, it will still display in the Snapshot dashboard. Additionally, if the personnel costs section was not completed in the MyFunding project budget form and the detailed budget was submitted separately, the effort cannot be displayed systematically.
Snapshot of Effort on Current Projects
This section reflects the PRISM SPAR 05 account distributions for the current four-month SPAR period (non-grant entities are excluded). Both the distribution and effort percentages are displayed. The distribution percentage indicates the actual dollars that will be charged to the account. If the percentages are changed for individual months within the current SPAR period, the current and future month percentages entered within the four-month SPAR period will be shown.
NOTE: Review carefully. PRISM SPARs can be adjusted for prior months until the certification period ends. If effort changes are anticipated beyond the current four-month period, they will not be shown here. Actual effort may be different than effort that was committed and documented to the sponsor.
Using the Dashboard
The dashboard allows an authorized user to search for an employee within their current RC. Click the magnifying glass icon in the upper left to show and select an employee from the drop-down list. When first opening the view, the PI name is blank.
Click the settings icon in the upper right to display all budgets and download data.
NOTE: When downloading data, select the ‘csv’ to prevent merged cells.
Data Display
The dashboard has two distinct sections. The top section is submitted proposals, and the bottom section is current projects.
Fields Available
For submitted proposals, the following MyFunding fields are shown. Information displayed is from the data warehouse which receives a nightly snapshot of current MyFunding data.
Investigator Name – name of the selected researcher
Project Role – project role of the selected researcher
Proposal ID – MyFunding funding proposal (FP) number
Proposal Status – only proposals submitted (and pending) within MyFunding are shown; proposals with a status of Withdrawn or Not Funded are excluded
Project Title – long title for the My Funding proposal
PI – principal investigator named on the funding proposal
Department Name – department responsible for proposal submission
Direct Sponsor
Prime Sponsor
Proposal Submission Date – NOTE: sponsor response time is variable, review to verify a response is still pending
Budget Title – name of the MyFunding proposal working budget
In Financials – ‘Yes’ indicates that the option to include the budget in the MyFunding FP’s Financials tab was selected; the default is to only show those included (Use the filter option in the upper right to select all budgets)
Budget Period Start/End Date – all budget periods entered will be displayed
% Effort – requested percentage of salary effort in the proposed budget submitted to the sponsor
For current projects, the following SPAR and RPA fields are shown. Information displayed is from the data warehouse which receives a nightly snapshot of current PRISM SPAR and RPA data.
Investigator Name - name of the selected researcher
Project ID – PRISM project number (only 05 accounts are shown)
Project Title – complete project title in RPA; this is imported from MyFunding into PRISM however SPA accountants can adjust the name to match the Notice of Award and/or Sponsor documentation for billing
PI Full Name - principal investigator of the PRISM project
Type – account type (I - independent, M - master, S – subaccount)
Award ID – award ID provided by the direct sponsor
Sponsor Name – direct sponsor name
Department – department number associated with the PRISM project
Award Start/End Date – dates in PRISM RPA
Project Start/End Date - dates in PRISM RPA
SPAR Period Start/End Date – only the current SPAR four-month period is shown, if adjustments were made for the individual months within the period, all current and future month percentages will be shown % Distribution – percent of actual salary to be expensed to the PRISM project
% Effort – percent of effort for the project
Current Project Budget – select link to open the current project budget by subcode (screen shot below)
Dashboard Access
Access to this dashboard is controlled by your RC administrator. If you are unsure of responsible administrator, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357). Once access is granted, you will only be able to search for PIs within your assigned Responsibility Center.
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