Level Report to Tableau Conversion

Level Report to Tableau Conversion

Below is a table of the existing GL (General Ledger) and PY (Payroll) Level Reports and the corresponding Tableau dashboards. Keep in mind that monthly level reports, are only available after all of the month end closing processes have completed and pre-loaded in the given formats. The Tableau dashboards are “real-time” as data is available after the nightly load based on the date posted to GL.

General Ledger Level Reports

GL Level Report Name

Tableau Conversion Status

Tableau Dashboard

Cognos Report Description from Controller's Office

GL Level Report Name

Tableau Conversion Status

Tableau Dashboard

Cognos Report Description from Controller's Office

FGAR310 - Level I Balance Sheet


Transaction Review - updated daily, includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

This level report provides current month transaction detail of asset, liability and net asset subcodes for a specified University account number (e.g. 04.34010.xxxx.22540.xxxxxx). Information includes subcode, reference number, transaction description, actual amount, “identifier” and batch name. Sort is by subcode then reference number with subtotals provided for both.

FGAR311 - Level I Financial Report


Transaction Review - updated daily, includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

This level report provides current month transaction detail for revenue and expense subcodes for a specified university account number. Information includes subcode, reference number, transaction description, budget, and actual amounts, PO/Req #, “identifier” and batch name. Sort is by subcode then reference number with subtotals provided for both.

FGAR311 - Level I Financial Report (sort by PO)


Transaction Review - updated daily, includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

Same as the FGAR311 report except data is sorted by PO

FGAR311S - Level I Financial Report - Masters/Subs


Transaction Review - updated daily, includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

Same as FGAR311 except that it provides financial data for master grant accounts within one’s security rules, along with sub accounts, regardless of what RC/department the sub account is housed in.

FGAR320A - Level II Balance Sheet

In Development


This level report provides cumulative balances for asset, liability and net asset subcodes for a specified University account number. Information includes subcode, reference number, subcode description and the following amounts: prior year ending balance (project-to-date), prior months of the current fiscal year, current month, current fiscal-year-to date and current balance (project-to-date). Sort is by subcode then reference number with subtotals provided for both.

FGAR320D - Level II Balance Sheet Department Summary

In Development


Same as the FGAR320A report except that it summarizes all accounts for a specified department number (e.g. 04.03020.xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx).

FGAR321A - Level II Financial Report Area Summary

Partially Complete

Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based- these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

Same as the FGAR321P report except that it summarizes all accounts for a specified area number (e.g. 04.03xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx).

FGAR322A - Level II Financial Report Area Summary Reference Sort

Partially Complete

Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based- these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

Same as the FGAR321A report except sort is by reference number first, and then subcode.

FGAR321D - Level II Financial Report Department Summary

Partially Complete

Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based- these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

Same as the FGAR321P report except that it summarizes all accounts for a specified department number (e.g. 04.03020.xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx).

FGAR322D - Level II Financial Report Department Summary Reference Sort

Partially Complete

Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based- these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

Same as the FGAR321A report except sort is by reference number first, and then subcode.

FGAR321P - Level II Financial Report

Partially Complete

Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based- these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

This level report provides cumulative balances for revenue and expense subcodes for a specified University account number. Information includes subcode, reference number, subcode description and the following amounts: fiscal-year-to date/project-to-date budget, current month actual, fiscal-year-to-date-actual, project-to-date actual, and budget balance (budget less fiscal year-to-date actual). Sort is by subcode then reference number with subtotals provided for both.

FGAR322P - Level II Financial Report Reference Sort

Partially Complete

Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based- these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

Same as the FGAR321P report except sort is by reference number first, and then subcode.

RPAR001 - Sponsored Projects Accounting Flexfield Summary of Activities-Level II

Partially Complete

Grants Administration - these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

Dashboard Info

This monthly report provides financial information by project in entity 05 grant accounts and entity 04 RDF accounts in summary form. Financial information includes budget, current month activity, fiscal-year-to-date activity, grant-to-date expenses, and budget available. Sort is by subcode then reference number.

RPAR001S - Sponsored Projects Accounting Flexfield Summary of Activities-Level II-Master/Subs

Partially Complete

Grants Administration - these dashboards contain all data with the exception of a distinct monthly snapshot (in-progress)

Dashboard Info

Same as RPAR001 except that it provides financial data for master grant accounts within one’s security rules, along with sub accounts, regardless of what RC/department the sub accounts housed in.

FGAR332 - RC Level III Financial Report

In Development

Data can be found in the Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based dashboards, the equivalent summary view is in process

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

This level report provides total revenue and total expense amounts for all accounts assigned to a specified Responsibility Center. Amount types are the same as those on the Level II reports (FGAR32x).  Output is limited based on user security.

FGAR332R - RC Level III Financial Report

In Development

Data can be found in the Operating 02/03 & Purpose Based dashboards, the equivalent summary view is in process

02/03 Dashboard Info

Purpose Based Info

This level report provides total revenue and total expense amounts for all grant (entity 05), Plant Fund (entity 06) and RDF accounts assigned to a specified Responsibility Center. Amount types are the same as those on the Level II reports (FGAR32x). Output is limited based on user security.

RPAR018 - Level III Summary of Expense

In Development

Data can be found in the Grants Administration, the equivalent summary view is in process

Dashboard Info


This report summarizes all sponsored programs for a specific area/department. The report has three sections: 1. project-to-date budget, direct and indirect expenses, and budget available, 2. current month direct and indirect expenses and total, 3. fiscal-year-to-date direct and indirect expenses.

RPAR007 - Sponsored Projects Overdrawn Account Listing



Grands by End Date - Use the Balance filter to search for those in a Negative balance

Dashboard Info

RPAR010 - Summary by Billing Number Projects


Grants Admin: Use the Master Account Profile tab, PEX encumbrances are included by default

Dashboard Info

Since one billing number can have multiple projects tied to it, this report provides a one-line summary for each project including budget, grant-to-date expenses and budget available.

RPAR392 - Expired Accounts with Out of Balance Conditions

In Development


This level report provides information on projects that have been closed but have not reached a zero balance. Departments use Sponsored Projects Accounting Contact List to work with a Post Award Administrator to reach a closeout condition.

GL Report for Department Descriptions



General lists and will be available adhoc when the data sources are released

GL Report for Purpose and Project Descriptions



General lists and will be available adhoc when the data sources are released

GL Report for Subcode Descriptions



Available/Maintained by the Controller's Office here

Payroll Level Reports

PY Level Report Name

Tableau Conversion Status

Tableau Dashboard

Cognos Report Description from Controller's Office

PY Level Report Name

Tableau Conversion Status

Tableau Dashboard

Cognos Report Description from Controller's Office

HLDR310 - Labor Distribution by Account


Labor Distibution by Account view - includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

This level report provides current month payroll detail (subcode 5xxx) for a specified University account number. Information includes subcode, employee name, employee number, current month actual, adjustments, and fiscal-year-to-date actual. 

HLDR310 - Labor Distribution by Account (sort by subcode)


Labor Distibution by Account view - includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

This level report provides current month payroll detail (subcode 5xxx) for a specified University account number. Information includes subcode, employee name, employee number, current month actual, adjustments, and fiscal-year-to-date actual. Sort is by subcode.

HLDR310S - Labor Distribution by Account-Master/Subs


Labor Distibution by Billing ID view - includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

Same as HLDR310 except that it provides financial data for master grant accounts within one’s security rules, along with sub accounts, regardless of what RC/department the sub accounts are housed in.

HLDR310S - Labor Distribution by Account-Master/Subs (sort by subcode)


Labor Distibution by Billing ID view - includes additional fields and filter options

Dashboard Info

Same as HLDR310 except that it provides financial data for master grant accounts within one’s security rules, along with sub accounts, regardless of what RC/department the sub accounts are housed in. Sort is by Subcode


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