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This view is for searching and viewing a list of transactions for the by selected account (s). You will need to select a valid Entity/Department combination you have access to. All transactions are shown by default, but you can choose to see encumbrances only by selecting the ‘Show PEX Encumbrances’ button. Clicking on ‘Click for Details’ will navigate to the Transaction Details pagesegments and date filters.

Subtotals for Revenue, Expense and Total (revenue and expense) will be displayed. These totals adjust based on the filters selected.

The left side will display summary Top Supplier and Expense Category information.

Click on transaction text field to open the select ‘View Details’ option. This will allow you to open additional transaction information.


When selecting 'Click for View Details,' this page shows transaction details including General LedgerGL batch, invoice, check, and transaction-specific data (Concur, credit card, PO).

Open PO Encumbrances

Click the “Show PEX Encumbrances' button to display open encumbrances from PantherExpress purchase orders. Encumbrance calculation began in April 2019. Encumbrances are calculated as follows:

(Quantity Ordered - Quantity Billed - Quantity Cancelled) * Unit Price

Encumbrances are automatically relieved based on the invoicing process within PantherExpress and PRISM.

If there are open quantities that are no longer needed/will not be billed, the PO will need closed and the revision finalized in PantherExpress in order to relieve the encumbrance. For more information on managing encumbrance please visit Managing Purchase Order Changes & Encumbrances Document.

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