Fiscal Panther: Transaction Review (NEW!)

Fiscal Panther: Transaction Review (NEW!)


This is the new and improved version of the Transaction Review dashboard currently running in parallel. This version is reconfigured with the new data sources based on our customer feedback. The view now allows review or multiple entities and departments and includes new totals for Revenue and expense. Balance sheet subcodes are excluded (subcodes > 4000). A new view will be created for viewing those subcodes, as well as a new sheet for viewing details by Billing ID (both to be made available by the end of FY25).

This new view by default, will not display account information. A user must setup a default custom view for their account information. This is meant to improve performance give the large amount of data now available at the individual transaction level. Multiple custom views can be created to allow for ease of navigation.

Key Business Questions

Fiscal Panther Transaction Review allows for answering questions such as:

  • Where the transactions posted valid business expenses?

  • What transactions have occurred on an account in a given period or fiscal year?

  • What are the invoice, check, PO or Concur details of a transaction?

  • Which purchase orders have open encumbrances?

  • How much has been spent with a supplier?

  • How much as been spent on supplies, travel, etc?

Usage Guide

Please be aware that given the vast amount of data for transactions in the last 10 fiscal years. It may take some time to load. Users must create at least one default view to allow for better performance.

Create a Custom View

When opening for the first time, you must select filter options to display data.

  • Select the appropriate options.

  • Click the View option on the toolbar. The first text of the option is “View: <current view>” If no custom view as been established, the text will be View: Original.

  • The Custom View window will open. Enter/select the following:

    • Name the view - this name will appear as the view name and option

    • Select the “Make it my default option” - this will then make these filters automatically select/display when this dashboard is opened

    • Click Save

  • Multiple views can be created and saved, only one can be the default. At the bottom, all available views will be displayed and available for selection.

  • Once saved, the view name will appear in the toolbar. Click the View option to switch to other saved views.


Transaction Review

This view is for searching and viewing transactions by selected account segments and date filters.

Subtotals for Revenue, Expense and Total (revenue and expense) will be displayed. These totals adjust based on the filters selected.

The left side will display summary Top Supplier and Expense Category information.

Click on transaction text field to open the select ‘View Details’ option. This will allow you to open additional transaction information.


When selecting 'View Details,' this page shows transaction details including GL batch, invoice, check, and transaction-specific data (Concur, credit card, PO).

Open PO Encumbrances

Click the “Show PEX Encumbrances' button to display open encumbrances from PantherExpress purchase orders. Encumbrance calculation began in April 2019. Encumbrances are calculated as follows:

(Quantity Ordered - Quantity Billed - Quantity Cancelled) * Unit Price

Encumbrances are automatically relieved based on the invoicing process within PantherExpress and PRISM.

If there are open quantities that are no longer needed/will not be billed, the PO will need closed and the revision finalized in PantherExpress in order to relieve the encumbrance. For more information on managing encumbrance please visit Managing Purchase Order Changes & Encumbrances Document.

What is the source of this information?

There are many sources of data for this dashboard:

  • General Ledger Mart

  • PantherExpress

  • Concur

Data is updated overnight with the previous day’s posted activity. The dashboard refresh is typically completed by 8:00am each day.

How do I get access?

You will automatically have access to this dashboard if you have GL Mart Access.

GL Mart access is granted through the Federated Authorization form. More information can be found here: Federated Authorization Community.





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