Fiscal Panther: Monthly Statement
Fiscal Panther: Monthly Statement is a tool for reviewing and managing the month end snapshot of GL accounts by entity. It is intended to allow users to review their respective department, purpose or project position as of the end of the month, after the GL period has been closed.
This view also includes snapshots of PantherExpress PO and PBCS Forecasting expenses. Encumbrance Snapshots began in December 2024. Users can optionally include these encumbrances in the totals and balances.
Key Business Questions
This dashboard allows tracking of month end account balances, spending, and projections from PO and PBCS Operating Funds & Grants Forecasting. Balances and spend totals can be viewed by RC and department, purpose and project.
Does my department have an account that is over balance, or projected to be over balance?
What is my department or RCs current and projected financial position?
What is the budget and actual spend on an account by subcode?
Usage Guide
This view contains three distinct views: Operating, Restricted and Projects.
The buttons in the upper right will open the respective views. The first three are within the same collection: Operating (02/03), Restricted (04/06/08/09/48), Projects (05). The remaining to buttons will take you to other Fiscal Panther Hub dashboards: Transaction Review, Labor Distribution.
In the data section of each view, the account segment can be collapsed to show rolled-up information by department number. Hover on the column headers to expand and collapse the view.
Each view has relevant summary number totals displayed across the top for quick review. For Operating and Restricted, a pie chart will display the percent of the budget spent.
The filter section can be expanded and collapsed to allow for more data to be displayed. When filters are displayed, click the to collapse the filter. Click the to re-open the filter section.
By default, the last closed GL period information will be displayed. Optionally update to view previous month end close balances.
Downloading Data
Click the download icon in the lower right. This will open the Download Crosstab window. Select the top option (‘00-export-xxx’) to download the filtered data to Excel.
The download will include more fields than displayed for each entity type. The encumbrance column will always appear but will be 0 if neither the PO or PBCS encumbrance option was selected.
Operating Funds
The Operating view displays subcode level details for entity 02 and 03 accounts, including purpose accounts within entity 02, typically financial aid. The columns by default show subcode level detail.
Optionally expand the columns to show purpose and reference information. Hover on the Subcode column header and click the ‘+’ icon to expand.
The columns can also be collapsed to display Department, Entity or Comp/Non-Comp summary. Hover on the respective column and click the ‘-‘ icon to collapse, Then click the ‘+’ to expand.
Filter options include Entity, RC, Department, Reference, Purpose, PO Encumbrances and PBCS Encumbrances.
Restricted Funds
The Restricted view displays subcode level details for entities 04, 06, 08, 09 and 48. The header totals display the beginning and current net assets as they are calculated separately from the expenses in the table.
The columns by default show subcode level detail. Optionally expand the columns to show reference information. Hover on the Subcode column header and click the ‘+’ icon to expand.
The columns can also be collapsed to display Department, Entity or Purpose summary. Hover on the respective column and click the ‘-‘ icon to collapse, Then click the ‘+’ to expand.
Filters include Entity, RC, Department, Purpose Reference, Purpose Enabled, PO Encumbrances and PBCS Encumbrances.
Sponsored Projects
This view displays subcode level details for entity 05 accounts. The default view is by department and project. Select the Go to Billing View button to show projects by billing ID with the respective subaccounts. To return to the department/project view, click the Go to Project View button.
Total revenue is displayed in the top icons and not in the table to allow for correct remaining balance calculations. Revenue details can be found in the Transaction Review dashboard.
The columns by default show subcode level detail. Optionally expand the columns to show reference information. Hover on the Subcode column header and click the ‘+’ icon to expand.
The columns can also be collapsed to display Department and Project summary. Hover on the respective column and click the ‘-‘ icon to collapse, Then click the ‘+’ to expand.
Filter options include RC, Department, Billing ID, Project, Project Status, PO Encumbrances and PBCS Encumbrances..
What is the source of this information?
There are many sources of data for this dashboard:
General Ledger Mart
PBCS Operating Funds Forecasting
PBCS Grants Forecasting
Data is updated overnight with the previous day’s posted activity. The dashboard refresh is typically completed by 8:00am each day.
How do I get access?
Access is controlled through the Federated Authorization process for the GL Mart.
You can request GL Mart access through the Federated Authorization form. More information can be found here: Federated Authorization Community.
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