Fiscal Panther: Actual & Projected Labor
This dashboard contains five visualizations to provide visibility into labor
distribution expenses, current SPAR and TEAM data for salaried and bi-weekly employees, respectively and historical SPAR distributions by account and individual employee.
The data is updated each evening from the prior day’s activity in PRISM, Pitt Worx and PBCS. The labor distribution expenses are available from fiscal year 2018 through current. Encumbrances generated in the Operating Funds or Grants Forecasting (PBCS) applications are available through filter options.
The current COGNOS security rules for viewing LD data are applied to this dashboard.
Key Business Questions
This dashboard allows tracking of prior and planned employee compensation dollar amounts from PRISM and PBCS Operating Funds/Grants Forecasting respectively. Planned expenses will only be available if you are using the forecasting applications to project future costs.
Which employees' salaries come from the account I manage?
What SPAR/TEAM distributions are on an account?
What was the historical effort on my accounts?
Which compensation expenses are forecasted for my accounts?
How much overtime has been charged to my accounts?
Labor Distribution by Account
The Labor Distribution by Account view provides historical labor distribution charges for employees by the GL account combination within an RC. Multiple account segment values can be selected.
Use the Fiscal Year and Period filters to select the desired time frames. As the filters are updated the totals at the left and top will update accordingly. The Export button can be used to export the LD transactions to Excel.
When Adjustments exist, hover over the adjustment dollar amount to open the tool tip that displays the accounts and periods associated with the adjustment total. These are typically from retro SPAR changes on an employee's record.
Labor Distribution by Billing ID
The Labor Distribution by Billing ID view provides historical labor distribution charges for employees by the project billing ID or master account. This view will display all of the master and subaccount projects associated with the billing ID, regardless of the department number. You will only see Billing IDs where your department is the owner of the mast account.
Use the Fiscal Year and Period filters to select the desired time frames. As the filters are updated the totals at the left and top will update accordingly. The Export button can be used to export the LD transactions to Excel.
When Adjustments exist, hover over the adjustment dollar amount to open the tool tip that displays the accounts and periods associated with the adjustment total. These are typically from retro SPAR changes on an employee's record.
SPAR & TEAM by Account
The SPAR and TEAM by Account view provides information on the current SPAR or TEAM records by the
GL account combination within an RC. Multiple account segment values can be selected.
Use the filter Show SPAR or TEAM records show SPAR or TEAM records. SPAR records are created in
PRISM for salaried employees and TEAM records are created in Pitt Worx for bi-weekly employees. The
title text will update with the filter change.
Use the Include PBCS Projections filter to view forecasted employee expenses created in the Operating
Funds or Grants Forecasting PBCS applications. When this filter is changed to yes, the future project
expenses will be displayed if you are using the PBCS applications to forecast expenses.
There are several Export buttons available to export data to Excel. Each button is specific to the data
that is displayed based on filter selections. You must click the Export button that corresponds with the data you are currently viewing, otherwise the export will be blank.
Historical, Current & Projected SPAR
The Historical, Current and Projected SPAR view provides information SPAR distribution and effort
percent information for the past five fiscal years through the current and any projected SPAR
distribution percentages by the GL account combination within an RC. Multiple account segment values
can be selected.
Distribution percent is the actual percent charged to the account, effort percent is used for cost sharing
and reporting purposes related to sponsored projects. For example, a faculty member may be working
50% on a grant, however only 30% of their salary may be charged to the project and the remaining to an
02 or 04 account.
Use the Employee and Assignment status filters to select specific employees, terminated employees are
included in the view but can be excluded here.
Use the Fiscal Year or Academic Year and Period filters to select the desired time frames. As the filters
are updated the totals at the left and top will update accordingly.
The Export button can be used to export the SPAR percentage data.
Labor by Employee
The Labor by Employee view provides historical labor distribution expenses, current SPAR or TEAM
information and project labor expenses by a specific employee.
Use the Fiscal Year and Period filters to select the desired time frames. As the filters are updated the
dollar and month totals will update accordingly. The Export button can be used to export the LD
transactions to Excel.
Use the Include PBCS Projections filter to view forecasted expenses for the selected employee from the
Operating Funds or Grants Forecasting PBCS applications. When this filter is changed to yes, the future
project expenses will be displayed if you are using the PBCS applications to forecast expenses.
There are several Export buttons available to export data to Excel. Each button is specific to the data
that is displayed based on filter selections. You must click the Export button that corresponds with the
data you are currently viewing, otherwise the export will be blank
What is the source of this information?
There are many sources of data for this dashboard:
General Ledger Mart
Pitt Worx
PBCS Operating Funds Forecasting
PBCS Grants Forecasting
All data are updated in the early morning with the previous day’s data. The dashboard refresh is usually completed by 9:30am each day.
How do I get access?
You will automatically have access to this dashboard if you have GL Mart Access with Payroll Access (group name ends with “-PR”). You will see all account strings granted through your assigned security role.
You can request GL Mart access through the Federated Authorization form. More information can be found here: Federated Authorization Community.
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