Student Data Sources

To better serve our customers’ needs, we will develop Tableau data sources that allow users to access curated data behind the enterprise dashboards. This will enable you to create customized reports and dashboards tailored to your business requirements. Once granted access to the enterprise dashboards through the Federated Authorization process (Student Mart), you will have access to the enterprise data sources and Tableau Web Edit.

Users can utilize the Tableau Web Edit functionality to create custom views or purchase a Tableau Desktop license for full development capabilities.

Additional data sources will be released through FY2025.

Class Schedule

Class Schedule contains data pertinent to the term-by-term class schedules, such as day/time, location, instructor, prerequisites, class credit, seat reserve, textbook, and fee information. In addition to generating a class schedule report, it can produce course listings, room usage reports, final exam details, lists of classes for the school by instructor, etc.

The data source is updated Every Monday-Saturday at 7:30 AM (UTC-05:00) America/New York.

This data source does not contain student-specific information.

Active Student

Active Student contains personal and academic data for any student enrolled or eligible to enroll as of today's date. It reports current, next, and second-upcoming term data, such as enrollment appointment times and assigned advisor(s).

The data source is updated Every Monday-Saturday at 7:30 AM (UTC-05:00) America/New York.

The data captures only “active students” (those enrolled within the last three terms). The “active” status begins with the matriculation action in the student information system and ends with the awarding of a degree or discontinuation of an academic program. “Active” status does NOT include the following:

  • APPL (application)

  • ADMT (admit)

  • DEIN (intention to matriculate)

  • DISC (discontinuation)

  • COMPL (completion of program)

If an advisor assignment is input into the Student Information System without including the student's plan code, it will lead to unexpected data results. For example, missing plan codes in the advisor assignment screens may lead to a student with two majors showing an advisor for only one major or a student with only program-level advisors appearing to have no advisor at all.

The data source requires a one-to-one match of active plan to advisor data entry for a student's active plans (major, certificate, or degree). If you receive advisor data inconsistent with your expectations, please check with the office maintaining advisor assignments regarding their standard data input procedure.

Student Graduation

Graduation contains students' awarded degree information, as well as demographic and graduation GPA data. This data source contains the most recent census data for degrees. The Graduation source supports reporting on graduation rates, average time to graduate, GPA average and median for conferred degrees, graduation population demographics, etc.

Student Enrollment

Student Enrollment contains personal, academic, advisor, and tuition data for any student enrolled for the specific term within a snapshot. It could be used to trend in-state and out-of-state student enrollment and tuition dollars over the years, broken down by demographics and academic information.

The program/plan stack contains data for academic program, plan, and subplan. Students pursuing multiple degrees and majors will have multiple enrolled “program/plan stacks,” resulting in multiple program, plan, and subplan lines.

However, a student will only have one primary academic program, plan, and subplan in a given term. The primary academic program is determined by the student’s term activation within the snapshot time period. The “primary plan flag” filter aids in easily identifying a student’s primary program/plan stack.

If an advisor assignment is input into the Student Information System without including the student's plan code, it will lead to unexpected data results. For example, missing plan codes in the advisor assignment screens may lead to a student with two majors showing an advisor for only one major or a student with only program-level advisors appearing to have no advisor at all.

The data source requires a one-to-one match of active plan to advisor data entry for a student's active plans (major, certificate, or degree). If you receive advisor data inconsistent with your expectations, please check with the office maintaining advisor assignments regarding their standard data input procedure.

Student Enrollment and Tuition Forecasts

Student Enrollment and Tuition Forecasts contains student enrollment, tuition, and credits, as well as budgets (forecasts). The data is budgeted for school, career level, load, residency, and tuition attributes.

  • recent data for 15 years, as of a previous business day

  • term census data, captured for the last five years.

  • Monthly snapshots, going back five years, are captured on the last day of each month from the beginning of enrollment for a term and capped at the census date for that particular term.

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