Student Data & Dashboards | Financial Data & Dashboards | Access & Cognos Decommissioning
Knowing which dashboard to use when delivering a report or which data source(s) to select when creating a new dashboard can be overwhelming, especially when the sources contain similar data with nuanced differences. We’ve included comparisons of Enterprise Resources and examples of key business questions answered within the resource.
If an Enterprise Dashboard answers your business question(s), you can use the dashboard filters and save a custom view to pre-package common report requests. You shouldn’t need to create copies of Enterprise Dashboards or design custom dashboards frequently. If you are spending significant time copying, editing, or building custom dashboards, reach out to see if we can help!
It is also important to note that the Enterprise Dashboards and Data Sources were designed with the intention of “one size fits most.” To change the Enterprise Dashboard to “one size fits me,” see the Catalogs for Student, Financial, and HR Data Sources. These pages contain details, important notes, and a listing of the fields you can add, subtract, and finagle. Then use Tableau Web Edit to create your own spin on an Enterprise Dashboard.
The Tableau Dashboards and Data Sources will eventually replace Cognos. Cognos will be fully decommissioned by June 30, 2025. We are phasing out the Cognos data packages 2-4 months after the correlating Tableau resources are released, depending on the University’s business needs. We will ensure you have access to the data you need!
To smooth the transition from Cognos to Tableau, please review the tables below. The Enterprise Resources are listed with their correlating Cognos Packages that previously served similar use cases.
Enterprise Dashboards & Data Sources | Description & Use Cases | Examples of Migratable Existing Cognos Reports | Correlating Cognos Package(s) |
Active StudentReleased: May 2023 | Description The Active Student Dashboard provides a summary of current “active students” (students are de-activated after 3 terms of inactivity). Use this dashboard to view a breakdown of students by program or degree, generate contact lists, or identify students with outstanding service indicators. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… How many students are currently enrolled across each of the majors offered in my school? Which advisor(s) have the lowest / highest number of assigned students? Who are the students assigned to a specific advisor? What are their demographics / test scores / grades? Which students matriculated for the current term have not yet enrolled? Which students have outstanding holds that will block enrollment? What are the demographics of students associated with a specific school / degree program? Which active students have not yet enrolled in the current / upcoming term? Can I get a student mailing list?
| Report of Majors and Departments Report of Advisor Load Report of Undeclared Students Mailing List for Scholarship-eligible Students Student Enrollment Status & Holds Active Students Not Enrolled
| ST Active StudentDecommission: November 8, 2024 |
AdmissionsReleased: December 2024 | Description The Undergraduate Admissions and Graduate Admissions dashboards support the high-level reporting needs of the University, focusing on the milestones reached by applicants over time, commonly known as the “admissions funnel.” They provide details for the admissions funnel and applicant pool profiles capturing admit, yield (deposit), enroll, and melt rates. As well, you can drill down into the academic and demographic profile of your applicant pool for the current admissions cycle. You may compare counts by "Admissions Week," "Term Census," and "Most Current." The dashboards were built to replicate the reporting out of the centralized Offices of the Provost and Admissions, with feedback gathered from admissions professionals throughout the University campuses. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… Is our school trending above or below our application submissions compared to previous years? What are the demographics of applicants associated with a specific school / degree program? What does the admissions funnel look like for a specific population (by school, citizenship, residency, etc.)?
| Applications & Most Recent Status Admissions Inspector Tuition Deposit Validation Report of Matriculated Students Transfer Enrollment Funnel Current Admits: Test Optional Application by Admit Type Applicant Test Results
| ST AdmissionsDecommission: May 30, 2025 |
Admissions ListsReleased: December 2024 | Description The Admissions Lists dashboard was built to show aggregate lists of applications. It will aid in the creation of mailing lists, identifying groups of students, and quick searches for specific applications. Unlike the other admissions-related dashboards, this one shows information for each application in a single list. Therefore, an applicant who has submitted multiple applications may appear twice depending on the filters used to identify an applicant group. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… Is our record maintenance consistent each term? Which matriculated students have not enrolled yet for their admit term? How can I spot check the status of applications for this upcoming term? Can I get a mailing list for our communication campaigns (ex: closing the gap between admitted students and enrollment)?
| Lists of: First-year matriculated students Current applicants Admitted applicants without deposits Deposited students who haven’t enrolled, etc.
| ST AdmissionsDecommission: May 30, 2025 |
Class Enrollment & GradesReleased: December 2024 | Description Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Class Enrollment and Grades'. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Class Enrollment and Grades'. Use the data source to create a custom dashboard that digs deeper into… Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Class Enrollment and Grades'. | | ST Class EnrollmentDecommission: May 30, 2025 |
Class Schedule Released: March 2023 | Description The Class Schedule Dashboard offers a summary of University classes, including information on number and frequency of offerings, enrollment capacity, waitlist capacity, and assigned instructors so that users can analyze trends in class demand and instructor load. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… What Accounting undergraduate classes are offered in the Fall 2023? What classes are offered by School of Education? How many students are enrolled in my classes? How full are classes compared to enrollment capacity? Which classes are listed as online classes? Which classes have less than 50% enrollment capacity? What are the meeting days/times for my classes? Which instructors have the highest/lowest course loads last semester?
| Class Enrollment Caps, Totals, & Waitlists Instructor Assignment Report Report of Instructor Course Load Class Seat Reserve Dates Term Schedule-by campus
| ST Class ScheduleDecommissioned: November 8, 2024 |
GraduationReleased: September 2023 | Description The Graduation Dashboard provides academic and degree information for students who graduated in a selected Fiscal Year/Academic Term. Use this dashboard to view the graduation numbers by degrees and academic plans or demographic metrics or generate a list of students with their respective graduation addresses. Users may also use this dashboard as a template to build or customize their own versions of the dashboards. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… How many students graduated in my School/Program/Plan in a selected Academic Term? How many degrees were received by each Degree Type? How many students graduated in a particular Academic Plan? What is the average and median term GPA for an undergraduate degree? How many years did it take a freshman cohort of students to graduate? What are the graduation demographics of students associated with a specific program/plan?
| | ST Graduation, ST Graduation CensusDecommission: February 28, 2025 |
Retention and GraduationReleased: December 2024 | Description Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Retention and Graduation'. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'Retention and Graduation'. | | ST Cohort (Persistence and Graduation)Decommission: May 30, 2025 |
Student EnrollmentReleased: July 2023 | Description The Student Enrollment Dashboard offers academic and enrollment information for students enrolled in a selected term. You can review students’ academic information, performance indicators, assigned advisors, generate contact lists, review summarized enrollment demographics, or look at tuition and enrollment summaries and trends. Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… How many students are currently enrolled in each plan/subplan offered by my school? Who are these students? What are their demographics/grades/credits? What students are assigned to a specific advisor? What are the overall enrollment demographics of my school? Can I have a contact list of first-time students enrolled in my school in the fall? What is the full-time enrollment at my school, and what is the tuition credited?
| FTE Headcount & Tuition Course Enrollment Trends Student Enrollment Trends CGPA for Graduation Honors List Promotions Report Undergraduate Dean's List
| ST Enrollment and TuitionDecommission: February 28, 2025 |
Student Enrollment & Tuition ForecastsReleased: July 2023 | Key Business Questions The dashboard can answer… How many students are enrolled in a particular term? What is the tuition amount? What were the enrollment and tuition projections and what is the variance? What is the enrollment/tuition for online programs? What is the full-time enrollment at my school, and what is the tuition credited?
| Enrollments, Tuition, Credits Compared to Forecast Student Tuition Actual vs Budget
| ST Enrollment, Tuition, Budget (Enrollment Tuition & Budgeting)Decommission: February 28, 2025 |
Class Enrollment TrackingIn Development Stage | | | ST Class EnrollmentDecommission: May 30, 2025 |
Enterprise Dashboards & Data Sources | Description & Use Cases | Correlating Cognos Package(s) |
Fiscal Panther: Entity 02, 03 OperatingReleased: October 2022 | Description Fiscal Panther: Operating is a tool for reviewing and managing operating (02/03 account) funding, spending, and projections. Encumbrances from the Operating Funds Forecasting or PantherExpress applications are also included. Key Business Questions Does my department have an account that is over balance, or projected to be over balance? What is the budget and actual spend on an account by Subcode? What SPAR distributions are on an account? What are the invoice, check, PO or Concur details of a transaction? What transactions have hit an account, and which are projected to hit? Which purchase orders have an encumbrance? How does my spending this year compare to previous years? Which employees' salaries come from the account I manage?
| GL Aggregate Query Pkg Decommissioning: xx |
Fiscal Panther: Grants Administration Released: June 2021 | Description Fiscal Panther Grant Administration is a tool for reviewing and managing grant funding, spending, and projections for active grants. It pulls together data across PRISM, PBCS, and PERIS to provide account administrators a unified view of their budgets vs. actual spend and encumbrances at the RC, Department, and individual project level. Key Business Questions What is the current remaining balance on a PI’s grant? What is the remaining balance after PBCS projections? Does my department have any projects that are over balance, or projected to be over balance? What is the budget and actual spend on a grant by Subcode? What SPAR distributions are on a grant? How many awarded and proposed grants does a department or PI have? What is the actual and projected spend of all Subawards in a project? What are the invoice, check, PO or Concur details of a transaction? What transactions have hit a grant, and which are projected to hit? Which purchase orders have an encumbrance?
| GL Aggregate Query Pkg Decommissioning: xx |
Fiscal Panther: Grants by End Date Released: March 2023 | Description The Grants Ending dashboard has two views: Grants by End Date and Balance Type and Expired with Out of Balance Conditions. The Grants by End Date and Balance Type view is used to review active projects by the award end date and balance type. Filter options are available to quickly find projects that are past then end date or ending in the next 30, 60, 90 days and beyond as well as if they are in an overdrawn state. It pulls together data across PRISM and PBCS Grants Forecasting to provide account administrators a unified view of their budgets vs. actual spend and encumbrances at the individual project level by Department. The Expired with Out-of-Balance Conditions view should be used to review accounts that have expired and are not in balance for one or more of the following reasons: Budget, revenue and expenses are not equal (available balance is not 0) The is an outstanding accounts receivable balance Net Assets are not 0
Key Business Questions What projects have past the award end date? Does my department have any projects ending soon that are over balance, or projected to be over balance? What projects are ending in the next 60 days? What projects are over budget? What projects have open accounts receivable balances?
| GL Aggregate Query Pkg Decommissioning: TBA |
Fiscal Panther: Purpose-Based (02/04/06/09) Released: October 2022 | Description Fiscal Panther Purpose-based is a tool for reviewing and managing 02/04/06/09 accounts with non-zero purpose codes. Spending, revenue, and projections can be tracked. Key Business Questions What is the actual spend on an account by Subcode? What SPAR distributions are on an account? What are the invoice, check, PO or Concur details of a transaction? What transactions have hit an account, and which are projected to hit? Which purchase orders have an encumbrance? How does my spending or revenue this year compare to previous years? Which employees' salaries come from the account I manage?
| GL Aggregate Query Pkg Decommissioning: TBA |
Fiscal Panther: Transaction Review Released: August 2022 | Description Fiscal Panther Transaction Review is a tool for reviewing and searching GL and PO transactions. All entities are included. Key Business Questions What are the invoice, check, PO or Concur details of a transaction? What transactions have hit an account, and which are projected to hit? Which purchase orders have an encumbrance?
| GL Transaction Query Pkg Decommissioning: TBA |
Fiscal Panther: Actual & Projected Labor Released: March 2023 | Description This dashboard contains five visualizations to provide visibility into labor distribution expenses, current SPAR and TEAM data for salaried and bi-weekly employees, respectively and historical SPAR distributions by account and individual employee. Key Business Questions Which employees' salaries come from the account I manage? What SPAR/TEAM distributions are on an account? What was the historical effort on my accounts? Which compensation expenses are forecasted for my accounts? How much overtime has been charged to my accounts?
| PY Transaction Query Pkg Decommissioning: TBA |
Fiscal Panther: Purchase Order Review Released: August 2023 | Description Fiscal Panther Purchase Order Review is a tool for reviewing and searching purchase order transactions. The University’s purchasing system is PantherExpress. POs approved the day before are imported nightly into PRISM and then into the data warehouse for reporting. Key Business Questions What are the invoice and check details for a PO transaction? What PO transactions have hit an account, and which are projected to hit? Which purchase orders have an open encumbrance?
| Purchase Order Pkg Decommissioning: TBA |
After a Cognos Package is decommissioned, you will not be able to run a report that used the package as its data source. Instead, you will receive an error message similar to the one pictured below. In this case, you should review the correlating Enterprise Dashboard and Data Source to ensure you are able to recreate report criteria.

If you had access to a Cognos data package, you should have access to the correlating Tableau Enterprise Resource. Examples and links for requesting Student Mart access, and therefore access to the the Student related Tableau Enterprise Resources, are available in the accordion menus below.
Restricted data access request
Special permission is required to see restricted fields: performance indicators, student demographics, student identifiers, and instructor demographics. To request access to the restricted fields, make sure you check the box for restricted data access and select restricted data along with your description of the relevant justification or business need: