How to set up email subscriptions to Tableau Reports

How to set up email subscriptions to Tableau Reports

Use subscriptions to deliver quick updates and insights on a Tableau Dashboard directly to your inbox. Subscriptions can included an embedded image or PDF snapshot of a dashboard, and always include hyperlinks so recipients can easily open the dashboard from their email without having to save or bookmark web pages. Subscriptions can be set at regular intervals or they can be triggered based on data refresh schedules.

Email Subscription Setup and Preferences

To set up an email subscription, click on the Subscribe button in the toolbar in the browser window:




Clicking on the button should bring up the following dialog box (dashboard owners may see a slightly different view - see note below):

Include: you can subscribe to “This View” which is the view identified by name in the toolbar (see screenshot above); or, you may subscribe to the “Entire Workbook”, which sends all visible tabs.

Use the Don’t send if view is empty checkbox to use subscriptions to notify you only when data appears on a table or visualization (this can be particularly useful when used in conjunction with a Relative Date Filter or custom view).

To maintain filter properties, use a saved custom view for email subscriptions.

Format: you can choose to receive the dashboard as an embedded image (with hyperlinks to the dashboard); a PDF attachment; or both

Subject: for the email message sent

Message: Text in the body of the email

Frequency: choose to send the dashboard on a pre-specified schedule, or trigger the email every time the data are refreshed.

If you are the owner of a dashboard, you can subscribe other users to the view by entering the names of people in the Subscribe Users box (not shown) that will appear in the pop-up window. Users must have permission to view the page in order to receive an email subscription.

Updating an Existing Subscription

Navigate to the Workbook view of your dashboard. This is at the level right after the Project folder, but before you are looking at an individual dashboard. Using the path at the top left of Tableau Server may be helpful to get to the correct level.

From the workbook-level view, click on the 'Subscriptions' tab. Click the ellipses on a subscription line to see editing options.

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