How to Share a Custom Cognos Report

How to Share a Custom Cognos Report

If you have a Cognos report you’ve made that you’d like to be sure can be addressed by Tableau, you may need to place a copy of that report in a Shared folder so that Pitt IT Analytics can view it.

Note: The Cognos reports and workloads are being migrated to Tableau. The current plan is to fully retire Cognos by the end of FY25.

Place your Cognos report in a Share Folder


  1. Locate your report in Cognos. Click on the hamburger menu icon, select Content, and then locate your report


  2. Click on the action button next to your report


  3. Select Copy or move to


  4. Using the breadcrumbs, navigate to the Share - CSSD folder (the share folder is under Team Content)


  5. Locate the folder in Share - CSSD you want to copy the report to
    Note: If you don’t already have a folder in Share -CSSD, you can create one using the new folder icon

  6. When you are in the folder you want to copy it to, click on the Copy button

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