Sponsored Project AR View
The purpose of this dashboard is to display the open invoices for specific sponsored projects. Only projects that generate invoices for payment are shown. Projects where the departments are responsible for invoicing or Letter of Credit are not shown.
Unpaid Invoices
Unpaid Invoices are displayed in their respective days past dues buckets. This calculation is based on the RPA aging date which is typically three days after the invoice was created to allow for sending to the sponsor.
When hovering on a specific dollar amount, a pop-up window will display with additional information, including any invoices comments enter by the SPA team.
Filter Options
Authorized users can search across all RCs. Multiple filters are available for review of specific unpaid invoices: RC, Dept, Billing ID, Sponsor, PI Name, Method of Payment, 50/50 Invoices and Days Past Due Buckets.
50/50 invoices are placeholder invoices that are created by RPA/SPA when and invoice is ready to be sent to the sponsor based on a defined schedule, but the actual amount is not known until the department provides the necessary information to generate the dollar amount to be billed. Sponsors are not sent these invoices, and they are not included in the accounts receivable balances. The option is provided for information only.
Fields Displayed
Sponsor Name – direct sponsor name
Billing ID – billing ID is typically the same as the master project number
Invoice Id – invoice number
Inv Amount – total invoice amount
Paid – amount paid if the invoice was not paid in full
Balance – unpaid/open amount for the invoice number
Days Past Due Buckets – Invalid Date (aging date was not entered in RPA; SPA monitors for correction), 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121-150, 151-180, 181-210, Over 210
Dashboard Access
Access to this dashboard is controlled by your RC administrator. If you are unsure of responsible administrator, please contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357).
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