HR Analytics



HR Analytics supplements human resources reporting from the PittWorx system.  Use this dashboard to analyze trends over time for head counts, terminations, and new hires; view distributions by employment detail or demographics; export contact lists of current employees by RC/department; or inspect an individual employee’s record in-detail.


Key Business Questions

The HR Basic Dashboard gives users the capability to slice and dice employee data by demographic, employment details, RC, department, job type, job family, job class, assignment status, full/part-time status, and tenure status among other categories.

Some question that can be answered by this dashboard are:

  • How many employees work in my RC?

  • Who are the employees that work in my department?

  • What is the age breakdown of the employees at Pitt?

  • How may terminated employees did we have this fiscal year verses the last two years?

  • What employees started employment at Pitt this fiscal year?

  • What is the salary breakdown for employees in my department?

  • Who are the faculty members for SCI?

  • What is the breakdown for years of service at Pitt?

  • What is the gender breakdown of staff members in SVC Research?

  • What employees are on short term disability?

  • How many part-time employees do we have?

  • What is the ethnicity breakdown of voluntary terminations last fiscal year?

  • What are the home addresses and work phone numbers for employees in my department?

Navigating and Using Tableau Dashboards

There are seven dashboards available in Tableau:

Headcount – Here you will find employee counts based on various dimensions, some of which include ethnicity, gender, campus, percentage of effort, FLSA status, and Full time/Part time.  You can also filter the data you have access to by using the filters on the right hand side of the page.  Some of the filters included are fiscal year, month, department, job type, and assignment status. 

Current Roster – Here you will find a list of employees and their details for which you have access.  You can filter the data by using the filters at the top of the page.  Some of the filters included are fiscal year, month, department, job type, and assignment status. 

Employee Profile – Here you will find a snapshot of employee information, which is similar to the previous paper employee record (ER).  This dashboard includes Demographics, Employment Dates, Employment Info, Salary Info, Faculty Info, and Termination Info sections.

Terminations – Here you will find termination counts based on various dimensions, some of which include ethnicity, gender, campus, percentage of effort, FLSA status, and full-/part-time status. You can also filter the data to which you have access by using the filters on the right hand side of the page. Some of the filters included are fiscal year, month, department, job type, assignment status, and leaving reason.

Terminations List – Here you will find a list of terminated employees and their details for which you have access. You can filter the data by using the filters at the top of the page. Some of the filters included are fiscal year, month, department, job type, and assignment status.

New Hires - Here you will find new hire counts based on various dimensions, some of which include ethnicity, gender, campus, percentage of effort, FLSA status, and full-/part-time status. You can also filter the data to which you have access by using the filters on the right hand side of the page. Some of the filters included are fiscal year, month, department, job type, and full-/part-time.

New Hire List - Here you will find a list of new hires and their details for which you have access. You can filter the data by using the filters at the top of the page. Some of the filters included are fiscal year, month, department, job type, and full-/part-time.


Headcount is defined as the number of unique individuals that did not have a Terminated assignment status for the As of time period (first filter).

This dashboard has three general sections:

This line tracks the headcount captured at each snapshot. To inspect the data behind a specific point on that line, simply update the filter labeled As of to view the employees who make up that date.

These bar charts show the count of employees (as of the filtered date and as specified by other filters) broken down by:

  • Age

  • Disability status

  • Educational attainment

  • Ethnicity

  • Generation

  • Gender

  • Veteran status

When the filters identify a population smaller than 5 individuals, visualizations may not render to protect individual-level privacy.

  • Campus

  • Department

  • % Effort

  • FLSA Status

  • Full-time/Part-time

  • Job Type

  • Job Family

  • Job Class

  • Responsibility Center

  • Senior Officer

  • Supervisor

  • Tenure Stream

  • Years at University

Drop-down menus along the right-side allow you to filter all visualizations on the page. Be sure to click the Apply button after selecting the desired values in your filter.

The large number in the upper-right of the screen provides a count of the total number of employees represented (subject to the filters applied).

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Current Roster

The employee roster contains employment and demographic details about employees, filterable by RC/Department, Job Classification. Clicking on an individual person in this list will navigate to the Employee Profile. This list can also be downloaded to Excel, for other uses (e.g., mailing lists).

The list includes the following fields:

  • Employee Number

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Middle Name

  • Work Email

  • Address Line 1

  • Address Line 2

  • City

  • State

  • Zip

  • Personal Phone

  • Work Phone

  • Date First Hired

  • Latest Start Date

  • Adjusted Service Date

  • Provisional

  • Assignment Status

  • RC

  • Department

  • Position Number

  • Working Title

  • Payroll

  • Salary Basis

  • Full-Part Time Status

  • Percent of Effort

  • Working Hours

  • CDC Code

  • Staff Work Months

  • Pay Year Type

  • External Affiliation

  • FSLA

  • Supervisor

  • Bargaining Unit

  • Annual Salary

  • Monthly Hourly Amount

  • Faculty Contract Begin Date

  • Faculty Contract End Date

  • Faculty Contract Salary

  • Tenure Status

  • Date Entered Tenure Stream

  • Tenure Stream Transfer

  • Date Left Tenure Stream

  • Returned Tenure Stream

  • Date Awarded Tenure

  • Member Graduate Faculty

  • Joint Appointment

  • English Language Frequency

  • Faculty Emeritus

  • Legacy July

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Employee Profile

This page shows details of a selected employee. To view an employee's profile, select the Employee Name (Employee Number) dropdown list and type in the employee name or number that you need to access, or select a person from the list. Selecting the employee name will immediately update to their profile information (there is no Apply button on this filter).

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Terminations include employee who has moved to the Terminated (Paid) or Terminated (Unpaid) assignment statuses in PittWorx.

Like the Headcount and New Hires dashboards, drop-down menus along the right-side allow you to filter all visualizations on the page. The page has three visualizations.

This line tracks the headcount captured at each snapshot. To inspect the data behind a specific point on that line, simply update the filter labeled As of to view the employees who make up that date.

These bar charts show the count of employees (as of the filtered date and as specified by other filters) broken down by:

  • Age

  • Disability status

  • Educational attainment

  • Ethnicity

  • Generation

  • Gender

  • Veteran status

When the filters identify a population smaller than 5 individuals, visualizations may not render to protect individual-level privacy.

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Termination List

The following list can be exported to Excel. This list can also be downloaded to Excel, for other uses (e.g., mailing lists).

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New Hires

New hires are people who have newly joined the University. This count includes people who were terminated from a prior position at the University (though these individuals can be excluded using the Rehires filter).

Like the Headcount and Termination dashboards, drop-down menus along the right-side allow you to filter all visualizations on the page, and the page is divided into three sections:

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New Hire List

The following list can be downloaded to Excel.

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Coming Soon - Position Occupancy

This view displays all active Pitt Worx positions filterable by Occupancy, RC/Department and Position Name. The vacant positions may or may not be posted as open in Talent Center to be filled. If a position is no longer needed, take the appropriate action within Pitt Worx. Open positions can be listed in the Operating Funds Forecasting or Grants Forecasting applications as placeholder records to budget accordingly.

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What is the source of this information?

The data for this dashboard comes from Pitt Worx. The data from Pitt Worx is copied, transformed, and loaded into our data warehouse each weekday night. The data is then further processed for use by Tableau. A Tableau extract is refreshed each weekday morning so that the data is available before the start of business. As such, the data available today is as of what was in Pitt Works yesterday and won’t be refreshed until tomorrow morning. If a change is made in Pitt Worx today, you will not see that change until tomorrow.

How do I get access?

Anyone with access to the PY Mart will have access to the HR Basic Dashboard. All users can see rolled up demographics. However, permission is required to see individual demographics as well as salary, leaving reasons and any other restricted fields. Users will only see their RC/Department (unless otherwise approved on their Federated Authorization form).

To request access to the HR Basic Dashboard (including restricted fields), complete the Employee Mart Federated Authorization Request online.





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