Tableau Dashboard Catalog
HR Analytics —
HR Analytics supplements human resources reporting from the PittWorx system. Use this dashboard to analyze trends over time for head counts, terminations, and new hires; view distributions by employment detail or demographics; export contact lists of current employees by RC/department; or inspect an individual employee’s record in-detail.
Fiscal Panther: Grants Administration —
Fiscal Panther Grant Administration is a tool for reviewing and managing grant funding, spending, and projections for active grants. It pulls together data across PRISM, PBCS, and PERIS to provide account administrators a unified view of their budgets vs. actual spend and encumbrances at the RC, Department, and individual project level.
Fiscal Panther: Entity 02, 03 Operating —
Fiscal Panther: Operating is a tool for reviewing and managing operating (02/03 account) funding, spending, and projections. Encumbrances from the Operating Funds Forecasting or PantherExpress applications are also included.
Fiscal Panther: Purpose-Based (02/04/06/09) —<
Fiscal Panther Purpose-based is a tool for reviewing and managing 02/04/06/09 accounts with non-zero purpose codes. Spending, revenue, and projections can be tracked.