Alteryx Training: Designer Foundations

Alteryx Training: Designer Foundations

This training originally took place on March 5, 2024. It covers the basics of Alteryx Designer, using all the tools in the “Favorites” category and building a workflow that answers basic business questions. This is a foundational training, intended for those who have not used Alteryx before or have very little experience.

Covered in this training:

  1. Navigate the Designer user interface

  2. Input and profile data from multiple file types

  3. Cleanse and prepare imperfect data for downstream analysis

  4. Use the expression editor to write formulas

  5. Blend data from multiple sources

  6. Parse data into new columns

  7. Summarize data to answer business questions

  8. Design shareable workflows with transparent logic

This training is split into multiple parts. Part 1, Session 1 has been split into 3 parts, Part 1, Session 2 has been split into 2 parts, and Part 2 has been split into 5 parts.

Download the training materials and original video from our MS teams site

Designer Foundations Part 1 Session 1:

Video 1:

2024-0305 - Designer Desktop Foundations Session 1 Part 1 - Video1.mp4

Video 2:

2024-0305 - Designer Desktop Foundations Session 1 Part 1 - Video2.mp4

Video 3:

Designer Foundations Part 1 Session 2 - Preparing Data Part 1:

Video 1:

Video 2:

Designer Foundations Part 2:

Video 1:

Video 2:


Video 3:

Video 4:

Video 5:

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