Fiscal Panther: Grants by End Date


The Grants by End Date dashboard is for reviewing active project by the award end date, to quickly find projects that are past then end date or ending in the next 30, 60, 90 days and beyond. It pulls together data across PRISM, PBCS Grants Forecasting to provide account administrators a unified view of their budgets vs. actual spend and encumbrances at the individual project level by Department,

Key Business Questions

This dashboard allows tracking of 05 grant account balances, spending, and projections from PBCS Grants Forecasting. Balances and spend can be viewed by department and end date range. Answer questions like:

  • What projects have past the award end date?

  • Does my department have any projects ending soon that are over balance, or projected to be over balance?

  • What projects are ending in the next 60 days?

  • What projects are over budget?

Basic Usage

Use the Filter options to find projects by:

Department - Five-digit department code and description

Pi Full Name: Name of Principal Investigator

30-60-90 Range: Range for the Award End Date

Balance Category: Negative Balance (deficit), Positive Balance (surplus), Zero Balance

If you are using the Grants Forecasting application, select ‘Yes’ in the Include Grants Forecasting Projections filter to include any projected labor and non-labor expenses.

What is the source of this information?

There are many sources of data for this dashboard:

  • General Ledger Mart


  • PBCS Grants Forecasting

  • PantherExpress

All data are updated in the early morning with the previous day’s data. The dashboard refresh is usually completed by 9:30am each day.

How do I get access?

You will automatically have access to this dashboard if you have GL Mart Access. You will see all account strings you have access to.

You can request GL Mart access through the Federated Authorization form. More information can be found here: Federated Authorization Community.

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