Student Enrollment and Tuition Forecasts


The Student Enrollment and Tuition Forecasts and Actuals Dashboard offers summary level aggregation of student enrollment, tuition, and credits, as well as budgets (forecasts). The data is budgeted for school, career level, load, residency, and tuition attributes.

You may use this dashboard as a template to build or customize your own versions of the dashboards for your needs. Read here for custom views.

The Student Enrollment and Tuition Forecast and Actuals Dashboard captures the following data:

  • recent data for 15 years, as of a previous business day

  • term census data, captured for the last 5 years.

  • monthly snapshots, going back for 5 years. Monthly snapshots are captured at last day of a month, from the beginning of enrollment for a term and capped at the census date for that particular term.

This dashboard in NOT to be used for individual student enrollment analysis.

Key Business Questions

This dashboard can be used to answer different enrollment-related business questions, such as:

  • How many students are enrolled in a particular term? What is the tuition amount?

  • What were the enrollment and tuition projections and what is the variance?

  • What is the enrollment/tuition for online programs?

  • What is the full-time enrollment at my school, and what is the tuition credited?

Basic Usage

The Student Enrollment and Tuition Dashboard has four separate tabs, which can be accessed from the top of the view:


Some helpful links:

Enrollment and Tuition by Academic Plan

This dashboard reports enrollment, tuition, and credits. It does not have budgets (forecasts). It reports by school, career level, academic plan, tuition division, residency, and load. You can also expand this report to report by Academic Sub Plan and Academic Program, if needed.

The dashboard excludes Pitt-Outlier (UOUT) Academic Program and Semester at Sea.

The list below shows fields visible in the dashboard. The Tableau Data Source offers many additional fields. Users can utilize Tableau’s Web Edit feature to customize the table and add new fields for their own purpose(s). When you need to report new columns vs applying filters, this needs to be done with Web Edit and cannot be done using the a custom view functionality. Filter settings can be saved using a custom view.

  • Academic Group

  • Academic Program

  • Academic Plan

  • Academic Sub Plan

  • Career Level

  • Tuition Division

  • Full of Part Time (Load)

  • Residency

  • Enrollment Actual

  • Tuition Actual

  • Number of Students

  • Credits Billed

  • Tuition Credited

  • FTE Enrollment Actual

There is a number of drop down filters on the top of the dashboard. You must select Academic Term, Snapshot Type, and Snapshot Date filters. Snapshot Type and Snapshot Date are coupled filters: you first select the Snapshot Type, and then select a corresponding Snapshot Date.

  • Academic Term filter - limits data to students enrolled in the term selected. You can select only one term.

  • Snapshot Type filter - options are Most Recent, Term Census, and Monthly - allows you to choose a date of when enrollment data was captured.

    • “Most Recent” filter captures data as of a prior business day, except for Mondays, which will have data as of Saturday, as the data warehouse load process does not run on Sundays.

    • “Term Census” captures data at a census date of the Academic Term selected.

    • “Monthly” has a selection of month-end dates for the Academic Term selected. It is important to select only one date, otherwise the report will show summed up data for all the dates selected in Snapshot Date filter.

  • Snapshot Date - after you select a Snapshot Type, you must select a correct date in the Snapshot Date filter.

  • Academic Group filter - you can select one, many, or all of them. You will only see data for schools you’re authorized to see. If you need a different access, please refer to How do I get access? below

  • Include College in High School - has two options “Yes” and “No”. “Yes” will show all data applicable, including College in High School. “No” will exclude CHS.

  • Include Coop Education - has two options “Yes” and “No”. “Yes” will show all data applicable, including Coop Education. “No” will exclude Coop Education.


You must select Academic Term, Snapshot Type, and Snapshot Date filters. Snapshot Type and Snapshot Date are coupled filters: you first select the Snapshot Type, and then select a corresponding Snapshot Date.

Let’s say you selected Academic Term 2234 (Spring Term 2022-2023). One of the options for Snapshot Type will be Term Census. There is only one census date per term, thus the Snapshot Date filter will show 2/4/2023 and the data in the table below will be as of 2/4/2023.

Keep in mind that if you’re pulling data for the current term before census date (normally September 28 for fall term, February 4 for spring term), and select Term Census option, you will see no data, as this snapshot does not exist yet. You can tell when the dashboard was last refreshed at the bottom of the sheet. The Snapshot Date filter may keep a date from a previous selection which may be obsolete. You can tell it by the parenthesis that surround the date. When you expand the selections of the Snapshot Date drop down filter, you will see a list of correct dates, or ‘No Items’ as in the screenshot below.

Most Recent snapshot type will show data as of a previous business day, except for Sundays and holidays.

For Monthly snapshot type you will see multiple Snapshot Dates. Monthly snapshots are taken at the end of a month, from time when initial enrollment for a term starts and end with a month before the term census date. The enrollment for 2234 started in October, thus the first snapshot will be 2022-10-31, the census date is 2/4/2023, thus the last monthly snapshot will be 2023-01-31.

For you convenience, at the bottom of the screen you can see the date when dashboard refreshed.

If there is no data in the table, please check the correctness of combination of Academic Term, Snapshot Type, and Snapshot Date. Snapshot Date should be valid for the selected Academic Term and Snapshot Type. In this example, there is no data because Monthly snapshots are taken at the end of a month, and the date shown is not end of a month. This is because Tableau retains the date from Most Recent filter, which in this example was 2023-09-23. You can tell the date is not correct by enclosing parenthesis (2023-09-23).

Select an applicable date from the drop down.



The Academic Group, Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub Plan is the pre-built hierarchy, meaning you can expand it all the way to the Sub Plan, or collapse to Academic Group. To expand the hierarchy, click on the sign that appears when hover over the “Academic ‘field-name’” heading. Click on the sign to collapse headings. You can report new columns, or rearrange the columns in Web Edit.


Academic hierarchy is prebuilt in the Enrollment and Tuition Forecast and Actuals Data Source and can be used in Web Edit, or manipulated in a preexisting dashboard.

This is the view of hierarchy in data source:

You can modify the depth of a hierarchy you see in a preexisting dashboard.

Here you can expand Academic Plan to also show Academic Sub Plan. Hover over Academic Plan column and click on sign

This will be the resulting view

To remove the Academic Sub Plan, click on the sign that appears on the Academic Plan heading.

In this dashboard, you can completely remove Academic Plan by collapsing the hierarchy by clicking the sign when you hover over Academic Group

Then, again, you can expand the Academic Group up to Academic Sub Plan. Please note that the newly added categories (Program, Plan, Sub Plan) will appear next to each other, in the order of their hierarchy

To collapse the hierarchy, click on the sign.

You can reset the dashboard to the original view (original layout of columns and original selection of filters) by clicking on a Revert button.


The dashboard has measures that have word Actual, such as Enrollment Actual, Tuition Actual, and FTE Enrollment Actual. These calculations account for students with split joint degrees and students' primary plans. For example, Enrollment Actual has the following calculation:

IF Student JD Split Ratio is empty THEN count students whose Primary Plan Student Count is set to 1
IF Student JD Split Ratio is not empty THEN sum up Student JD Split Ratio


How to download report?


You can download your report by clicking on Download button


When you pick an Excel option, the report will download as seen on the dashboard, with data grouped for Academic Group, etc.

When you pick a CSV option, the report will download data without grouping it for Academic Group, etc.

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It was noted before that you can bring new fields from the Enrollment and Tuition Forecast and Actuals data source by using the Web Edit. When you use Web Edit to create or modify an enrollment and tuition report which does not report budget data, use any of the columns in the data source, except for columns in folders “x-Budgeted Info” and “xx-Budget Raw Data”. These two folders are reserved for reports of budgeted (forecasted) data.

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Enrollment and Tuition by Tuition Division with Online Groups and Tuition Amount

This dashboard is similar to Enrollment and Tuition by Academic Plan dashboard. The difference is that it also provides a breakdown by Tuition Attribute and Tuition Credited, and also incorporates Online groups into Tuition Division categories. Online groups are defined by budgeted attribute of ‘OLP’ ‘Online Program’ (previously online groups were defined in student groups; changed to use budgeted attribute on 5/16/2024)

The Enrollment, Tuition, and Number of Students are counted for all the similar categories, in addition to the Tuition Credited.

This tab does not have budgeted numbers, just the actual enrollment. Please see the documentation for Enrollment and Tuition by Academic Plan for more details.


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Enrollment and Tuition Compared to Forecast - by School

This dashboard is similar to Enrollment and Tuition by Academic Plan dashboard. The difference is that it reports actual enrollment and tuition numbers, as well as budgets (forecasts) and variance.

The budgets are available for Academic Term, Academic Group, Academic Level, Career Level, Load (Full/Part Time), Residency, Tuition Division, Tuition Tier, Attribute Code. Budgets are not available for more detailed categories.

There are a number of drop down filters on the top of the dashboard. You must select Academic Term, Snapshot Type, and Snapshot Date filters. Snapshot Type and Snapshot Date are coupled filters: you first select the Snapshot Type, and then select a corresponding Snapshot Date.

  • Academic Term filter - limits data to students enrolled in the term selected. You can select only one term.

  • Snapshot Type filter - options are Most Recent, Term Census, and Monthly - allows you to choose a date of when enrollment data was captured.

    • “Most Recent” filter captures data as of a prior business day, except for Mondays, which will have data as of Saturday, as the data warehouse load process does not run on Sundays.

    • “Term Census” captures data at a census date of the Academic Term selected.

    • “Monthly” has a selection of month-end dates for the Academic Term selected. It is important to select only one date, otherwise the report will show summed up data for all the dates shown in Snapshot Date filter.

  • Snapshot Date - after you select a Snapshot Type, you must select a correct date in the Snapshot Date filter. In addition to the date, you must keep “Include to see Budgeted Data” checked. It will bring the forecast data into the report, whereas the date will bring the enrollment data in.

  • Academic Group filter - you can select one, many, or all of them. You will only see data for schools you’re authorized to see. If you need a different access, please refer to How do I get access? below

  • Include College in High School - has two options “Yes” and “No”. “Yes” will show all data applicable, including College in High School. “No” will exclude CHS.

  • Include Coop Education - has two options “Yes” and “No”. “Yes” will show all data applicable, including Coop Education. “No” will exclude Coop Education.

You must select Academic Term, Snapshot Type, and Snapshot Date filters. Snapshot Type and Snapshot Date are coupled filters: you first select the Snapshot Type, and then select a corresponding Snapshot Date.

Let’s say you selected Academic Term 2241 (Fall Term 2023-2024). One of the options for Snapshot Type will be Term Census. There is only one census date per term, thus the Snapshot Date filter will show 9/28/2023 and the data in the table below will be as of 9/28/2023. In addition to the date, you must keep the “Include to see Budgeted Data” checked. It will bring the budgets into the report, whereas the date will bring the enrollment data in.

If you’re pulling data for the current term before census date (normally September 28 for fall term, February 4 for spring term), and select the Term Census option, you will see no enrollment data, as this snapshot does not exist yet. The Snapshot Date filter will not have a date to choose from. You will still see the budgets, as they are entered for a term. You can tell when the dashboard was last refreshed at the bottom of the sheet.

Most Recent snapshot type will show data as of a previous business day, except for Sundays and holidays. You need to select a date in the Snapshot Date filter, as well as check the ‘Include to see Budgeted Data’. The date will allow you to see the enrollment measures, whereas ‘Include to see Budgeted Data’ will allow you to see budgeted measures and variances.

Below is the example of missing enrollment data, as no date for Most Recent filter was selected:

Similarly, this is the example of missing budget data when “Include to see Budgeted Data” is not checked:

For Monthly snapshot type you will see multiple Snapshot Dates. Monthly snapshots are taken at the end of a month, from time when initial enrollment for a term starts and end with a month before the term census date. For example, enrollment for 2234 started in October, thus the first snapshot will be 2022-10-31, the census date is 2/4/2023, thus the last monthly snapshot will be 2023-01-31.

Another example is fall term 2241: the earliest monthly snapshot was taken in March, as enrollment started in March, and snapshots ended in August, as fall census date was in September


For you convenience, at the bottom of the screen you can see the date when dashboard refreshed.

If there is no data in the table, please check the correctness of combination of Academic Term, Snapshot Type, and Snapshot Date. Snapshot Date should be valid for the selected Academic Term and Snapshot Type.


If you need to use Web Edit to add additional filters or columns, please use folder ‘x-Budgeted Info’ for your dimensions and measures located outside of the folders structure. It is important that you use this folder as this data combines enrollments and forecasts and was prepped to do it effectively. If you use the “Enrollment Data” folder instead, you may miss some of the budgets.

Folder ‘xx-Budget Raw Data’ is the raw budget data and should not be used. It is reserved for an Analytics team for a narrow set of uses.

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Enrollment and Tuition Trends

This dashboard shows student enrollment and tuition trend over years, and can be filtered for your school (Academic Group). The dashboard excludes Pitt-Outlier (UOUT) Academic Program and Semester at Sea. The student data is counted only for primary plans and accounts for joint degree split ratio.

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What is the source of this information?

The primary source of data is the PeopleSoft Student system. The data is copied, transformed, and loaded into the data warehouse nightly, and subsequently brought to Tableau Server into Enrollment and Tuition Forecast and Actuals Basic data source. Data available today reflects yesterday’s PeopleSoft data. New data entered in PeopleSoft today will be in student mart, data source, and dashboard tomorrow.

For Cognos Users: this data source is similar to the existing Cognos “St Enrollment, Tuition, budget Report Pkg” package and is built from the student data mart (UD_DATA).

How do I get access?

Anyone with access to Student Mart (ST) will have access to the Enrollment and Tuition Forecast and Actuals Dashboard. Users will only see their RC, unless otherwise approved on their Federated Authorization form.






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