** This announcement was sent to all Student Data Mart users on February 19, 2025 ** This is a reminder that we are approaching a Cognos package retirement date. Plan ahead and collaborate with your data consumers to minimize disruptions. Upcoming Retirement February 28, 2025: ST Enrollment and Tuition; ST Enrollment, Tuition, Budget; ST Graduation; ST Graduation Census
Understand the Changes After the retirement date, the Cognos package will no longer function. While you may see reports in Cognos, any report based on a decommissioned package will show an error. However, you’ll have access to the same data in Tableau. The University Data Warehouse will remain operational, continuing to support existing queries and Tableau dashboards. Prepare Compare your Cognos reports to the Enterprise Tableau dashboards and validate the data for accuracy. Ensure team members have the correct access to Tableau and Data Mart (PeopleSoft access doesn’t grant Data Mart access). Share documentation and resources, connecting users with the Analytics Team as needed.
Review These Essential Resources Finally, remember that the remaining Student Data packages will retire on May 20, 2025. Best regards, Pitt IT Analytics We’re here to help! |